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Russian Invasion of Ukraine Risks Imploding White House Diplomatic Efforts Toward Iran, Syria

The White House’s reaction to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being read by Middle East hands against the backdrop of the ongoing crises in Syria and Iran, with both the Obama administration’s credibility and its ability to substantively address those issues both at stake. The administration had very publicly and very explicitly embraced Russia as arguably the key player that would bring Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime to the table and help secure a negotiated solution to international concerns over Iran’s nuclear program. The Jerusalem Post on Monday conveyed analysis worrying that tensions between Washington and Moscow would complicate efforts to resolve both of those dynamics.

Worsening relations between Washington and Moscow could also have negative ramifications on other areas of great importance to Israel, such as the sale and delivery of “game changing” weapons to Syria, and their possible transfer to Hezbollah…If Russia wants to hit back at the US, thwart its moves, one place it could do so would be on the Israeli- Palestinian track. The Palestinians could also use increased US-Russian rivalry to stiffen their own positions.

Up until now Moscow has stood on the sidelines as US Secretary of State John Kerry continued his efforts to broker a deal. But if the Palestinians are unhappy with what they think might emerge, they could conceivably now take more inflexible positions, knowing that Moscow might back them more than in the past, if for no other reason than to hinder US efforts.

The Washington Post for its part blasted President Barack Obama for having over the past half-decade “led a foreign policy based more on how he thinks the world should operate than on reality.” The outlet criticized the administration for among other things continuing to indulge in rhetoric and policies premised on the efficacy of 21st century international norms, even as “Assad is waging a very 20th-century war against his own people, sending helicopters to drop exploding barrels full of screws, nails and other shrapnel onto apartment buildings where families cower in basements.”

The Post also noted that “the White House often responds by accusing critics of being warmongers” – an accusation that the administration has repeatedly leveled against lawmakers and analysts who favor measures signaling to Iran that future sanctions will be passed the absence of substantive Iranian concessions – and dismissed the charge.

[Photo: Bloomberg News / YouTube]