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Gaza Imam, Holding Suicide Vest During Sermon: “We Will Turn You Into Body Parts”

A Gaza imam held up a suicide vest during his Friday sermon and said that “We will use it to turn [Israelis] into body parts,” The Times of Israel reported today.

In a sermon on Friday posted by watchdog group MEMRI (the Middle East Media Research Institute), the cleric identified as Abu Hamza Ashur praises the current wave of stabbing attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces and calls on Palestinians living in the West Bank to “shed their blood, pounce on them, dismember them, paralyze them, make the earth quake under their feet, trample on their heads.”

Waving what appears to be a suicide vest during the sermon, Ashur claims that the “next martyrdom operations will be carried out with explosive belts.”

“This is what awaits you. This is your nightmare,” he threatens. “We will use it to turn you into body parts, we will annihilate you with it, we will turn you into lifeless corpses and scattered body parts.”

A video of the sermon is embedded below.

Last week, Gaza-based Sheikh Muhammad Sallah used his sermon to call on Palestinians to attack Jews “in threes and fours” and “cut them into body parts.”

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria released a video last week showing a masked terrorist pulling a knife and threaten the Jews of Israel, after saying that Jews are the main enemy of Muslims.

[Photo: MEMRI-TV / YouTube ]