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Fatah Facebook Page Promotes Rocket Fire Against Israel

Fatah, the political party led by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, posted images on its Facebook page promoting rocket fire against Israel, The Times of Israel reported yesterday:

One image showed a Fatah fighter holding a rocket while others fired guns, and another displayed a man firing an automatic rifle with the Arabic caption “The end of Israel, the liberation of Palestine” posted beneath the photo. The third poster showed a picture of rockets being launched, accompanied by the text “We have more, Zionists,” according to a translation by Israel-based watchdog Palestinian Media Watch.

Israeli officials have repeatedly accused Palestinian groups, including Fatah, of engaging in incitement against Israelis and Jews via official media channels.

The original report at Palestinian Media Watch included pictures of all three images.

The Times noted that Fatah’s Facebook page featured an image last month of skulls with Jewish stars on them to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the first terror attack against Israel. Fatah later denied responsibility for that image.

During Operation Protective Edge last summer, a Gaza-based terror group affiliated with Fatah fired rockets at Israel.

[Photo: palwatch / YouTube ]