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Analysts: Talk of a “Turkish Spring” Coming in Response to Corruption, Islamization

Turkey is on its way to a popular revolution and a “Turkish spring,” Arab analysts believe. Protests are increasing against the rule of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, especially in light of new corruption scandals.

Tens of thousands of people demonstrated (Arabic link) over the last few days against low wages and rising prices, while the president is defending living in a deluxe new palace amid widespread public opposition.

In addition, thousands of Turks protested against the policies of the Ministry of Education, which recently sharpened the religious character of the school curriculum. Opposition officials and education experts blamed the Turkish government’s perceived attempt to Islamize the country’s education system and produce extreme generations that will be fertile ground for terrorist organizations.

Arab analysts do not believe Erdogan will address the protests against him. According to them, the Arab Spring will spread into Turkey in the shape of a “Turkish spring” (Arabic link) against Erdogan’s policies, which have already deepened the country’s social and economic crises and left it isolated. “We do not exclude the possibility of an approaching Turkish spring,” said one commentator (Arabic link).

The Turkish media is increasingly using the word “Sultan” to describe Erdogan, following construction of his new palace in Ankara. Opposition officials believe it is not a just a waste of public money, but also a sign that the country is heading towards dictatorship.

In response to the increased criticism and reporting of corruption, the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan yesterday arrested the editor of Turkey’s largest newspaper and thirty others on charges such as “’using pressure, intimidation, threats,’ a ‘smear campaign’ and fabrication of evidence.'”

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