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Steinitz: Doesn’t Matter if PA Ministers Are Technocrats; ‘Enough of These Tricks’

The Palestinians are pulling the wool over the eyes of the international community by describing the new Palestinian Authority government as a cabinet of technocrats, according to Israel’s Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz.

The most important thing is not who are the personalities, or the ministers, but who sent them, who they represent in the government…

Hamas is saying ‘we send those people’ and they really choose them…This is domestic.  And to the world they are saying ‘yeah but they are technocrats, they are not active members.’ Enough with the tricks.

Speaking at a news conference organized by The Israel Project on June 2, Steinitz reminded his audience of the atrocities carried out by Hamas, which is widely designated a terrorist organization. As such, he asked rhetorically, can Hamas and therefore the new government commit to demilitarization?

“Will it be committed to the principle of complete demilitarization in the West Bank and Gaza? Will it start immediately? I didn’t hear yet an announcement from [Mahmoud Abbas].”

This, said Steinitz, is a principle enshrined in the Oslo agreements. The United States is insisting any new government honor previous agreements.

[Photo: Screenshot]